Land of Dragons

HaaValley by No machine-readable author provided. Greenmnm69 assumed (based on copyright claims). / CC BY
Bhutan Landscape Mountain Valley
Far Horizon takes you on a unique journey through the beautiful and picturesque kingdom of Bhutan - one of the last Shangri-las of the world. This Himalayan kingdom is a preserve of the living history of the Lamaistic Buddhist culture. Immerse yourself in the unique culture of Bhutan....

Trekking The Western Himalayas: Trekker's Paradise

Wikimedia - Joshimath, Banner
Joshimath by ArmouredCyborg / CC BY
Wikimedia - Namik Glacier Trek, Uttrakhand, Banner
Om Parvat Mountain by Pradip4india / CC BY
Wikimedia - Stok Kangri, Leh, Banner
Stok Kangri by Aksveer / CC BY
Wikimedia - Chhatru, Himachal Pradesh, Banner
Chhatru-10-gje by Gerd Eichmann / CC BY
India is the home to 70% of the Himalayas with one of the largest number of 6,000 and 7,000 meter high peaks in the world plus, one 8,000 meter high peak, the Mount Kanchenjunga which is the third highest in the world. Big mountains like Mount Nanda Devi 7,816 meters.....

Meet the Bishnois

Happy Indian Woman

There is a reason the National Geographic magazine chose to do an in-depth feature on the Bishnois and their commitment to the environment. Their now famous photo of the Bishnoi woman suckling a young deer had a tremendous impact and left the world awe struck. In an age where cutting ancient trees and uprooting forests isn’t given as much as a second thought, the philosophy, the life and the religion of the Bishnois is one that stands out. The Bishnois can be considered one of India’s and perhaps the world’s earliest environmentalists. Their 500 year old religion was founded by Guru Jambeshwar who established two clear principles . The first instructs the Bishnois not to cut down green trees and the second asks them to be kind and compassionate to all living beings.

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